Valentine’s Day Heartbeats

This is not me, just thought it was cute & Valentine-sy

Hope you all had a great Valentine’s Day weekend.  I spent mine at home with my three loves: Marty, Roxy & Leyla. Oh and food. Four loves.  Wouldn’t have it any other way.

Got to hear the baby’s heartbeat today at my 17 week appointment! And boy (or girl), was it beating fast – 155 bmp so to speak.  This pregnancy is flying by so quickly – it seems like just yesterday I was peeing on a stick and now we’re only 10 days away from finding out if I have a little mister or a little lady who has decided to take up temporary space in my uterus.  I’m curious… what do you think?  Leave us a comment & let us know what your gut tells you & why.


More Superbowl Sunday Fun…

So here’s the real deal.  Marty decides to shave his caveman beard off tonight and has some fun with experimenting with different mustache styles.   Along with the handlebar look, we decide he needs a cowboy hat to finish it all off & we are all having too much fun with it.  Believe it or not, he is currently walking around the house with a full-on Hitler-stache.  I’ll try to get pictures for evidence, but everything will be long gone by the time he heads into the office tomorrow morning. Enjoy!