Mommy Daughter Day

My gorgeous girl

I mean, seriously.  Look at THOSE LASHES.  This kid kills me, she really does.  Today I had the day off to kick off our long holiday weekend (Yay!).  Today is all about me and this girl in the photo.  We woke up early, we made breakfast, we visited a good friend, we bummed around, we had french fries and strawberry shakes, we watched movies and napped.  I’ve decided I think we need more of these days, period.


This Pregnancy…31 Weeks In

30 weeks and rushing out the door to work

What a whirlwind this pregnancy has been.  I’ve been spoiled this time around as things have been pretty easy and I’ve purely been enjoying every second.  I’m now in my third trimester and can honestly say that I still don’t have too much to complain about.   Here’s a little recap of what’s different:

  • I’m carrying a tad bit lower and tighter this time.
  • I’ve had literally no heartburn or leg cramps (yay!)
  • I feel like I’m eating a lot better this time around, though I’m right on track with the about the same amount of weight gain as last time.
  • Still no sign of the linea nigra – the brown line that a lot of women get on their bellies during pregnancy.  (This showed up with my last pregnancy and didn’t truly fade until about 10 months after Everly was born.)

I’m starting to feel my pelvic bones shifting, and each day that I get out of bed, the dull achiness reminds me that I’m getting closer and closer.  The way that the body prepares for birth is completely fascinating to me.

Last week I found out that this baby is currently in a breech position.  Since my doctor isn’t too worried about it and feels confident that she has plenty of time and room to flip before showtime, I’m not letting it stress me out either.  I’m just letting this baby girl do her thing and just making sure that I’m spending some time upside down here and there with a few yoga poses (downward facing dog, plank, and supported shoulder stand, when I can) and plan on doing lots of swimming this weekend too (said to help promote a baby to flip the other way around).

Having had a very positive experience with Everly’s birth, I’m feeling pretty confident as my due date approaches.  I know that each birth can be totally different, but I have a lot of faith in what my body can do and I’m hoping everything is smooth sailing just like before.  At any rate, I’m staying active as much as possible, drinking my red raspberry leaf tea (suggested by herbalists to tone the uterus and prepare for birth), and just generally trying to focus on having another good experience.

As for the little lady’s room and everything else, I’m practicing the fine art of procrastination and somehow finding every other thing that I need to do besides that.  Not to worry though, I have a few things on my radar that I’m making a priority these last few weeks.

Until then, Marty, Ev and I are all ready to enjoy this holiday weekend and the last few days of summer before the season starts to change.  Hope you have a great week!


Everly’s 2nd Birthday Party

The Birthday girl covered in cake, and surrounded by her favorite people.

And what a party it was!  We had blue skies, sunshine, and lovely weather that Saturday afternoon.  A few of our nearest and dearest joined us for snacks, drinks & cake and a lot of fun with the Birthday girl.  Our little party was the perfect size for our little house and we were so thrilled that everyone came out to join us.  Everly loved her birthday cupcakes (and I definitely enjoyed making them!) and insisted on blowing out candles and singing “Happy Birthday” a few times.

She got lots of toys, books and dress-up clothes, along with a Princess castle and special teepee from Marty and I.  Lots of fun was had and so many memories were made.  Happy birthday, sweet girl!


Dear Everly, You Are Two Today

Getting ready to sing Happy Birthday the first of three times.

My sweet little Everly,

It’s hard to believe that two years ago our lives were so different, and little did we anticipate how quickly things would change the split second we locked eyes with you.  You changed everything and continue to show us the greatness of life each and every day.

You are talking up a storm these days, and let me tell you, there is nothing like seeing how that little amazing mind of yours works.  Your Dad and I could sit and talk with you for hours; we love hearing all of your observations and thoughts… you are something else, Everly, something special.  Each day I see little glimpses of the lady you are growing into, and I know you’re going to be an amazing big sister to our next little one.  Happy 2nd birthday my tiny princess, we love you to the moon and back.

Your Mama and Daddy