Lazy Weekend

It’s been quite the lazy weekend over here, given that 2/3 of our house is currently under the weather.   Friday night, Everly woke up in the middle of the night with a very hoarse cough and was having trouble breathing.  She had what I’m pretty sure was a Croup attack, which luckily in our case, was not serious.  We used a cool mist vaporizer, which seemed to help a lot, and I slept right by her side all night, waking up to check on her each time she stirred.  Saturday morning, she was her usual happy, devilish self.  🙂

We kept up with the lazy trend for the rest of the weekend: I put on a big pot of Vegetable Beef Barley soup, my parents stopped by for a visit, Marty grabbed some records, we stayed up late & watched a movie, and I even squeezed in a trip to H&M to pick up a few things.

Around dinnertime tonight, I noticed Everly seemed warmer than usual and tired, so I gave her a bath and once she was out and in pajamas, she reached up for me and actually led me to our bed- two and a half hours before her normal bedtime, I might add.  This is not characteristic of her at all, so I’m crossing my fingers that she’s not coming down with something else.

A few pictures from our weekend…

Hope you have a lovely week!
