Memorial Day at the Lake

Just thought I’d share a few pictures from our little “stay-cation” this past holiday weekend at the lake.  We enjoyed lots of fresh air, BBQ, fun times with friends, and plenty of laughter.  It was also our 6th wedding anniversary that Saturday, so a little low key overnight gathering with friends was the perfect little way to celebrate.  We had a blast and can’t wait for the rest of this summer’s adventures to come.



First snow cone!

First snow cones of the season and definitely not the last! I was a big time snow cone junkie when I was pregnant with Everly and that craving has returned with this pregnancy too. It was only natural to bring Ev along today and introduce her to her first snow cone, which she absolutely loved.

Me: “Want to go get snow cones, Evy?” Ev: “Cone nuts? Yeah!” It was a done deal.

She had Strawberry, I had Tiger’s Blood, and they were a godsend in the 89-degree heat. The whole way home Ev talked to us about the “cones” and how good they were. Looks like I officially have another snow cone fan to hang out with this summer. 🙂

Very happy girls

We had a delightful weekend. We had friends over on Saturday night and I made these enchiladas which were fantastic. Ev stayed up late with us and was the highlight of the night, dancing to records in her PJ’s until her eyes grew heavy and she took my hand to take her to bed. One of my best friends, Lauren, and I, stayed up late talking and even decided to go on a late-night milkshake run. It was a lovely weekend indeed.


21 Months Old

So happy to have her pool out

My Everly,

Since it’s been a few months since I posted your last update, I figured you were probably due for a little something. My, how things have changed in just a few short months. You are running, jumping, climbing, swinging, talking, and learning all sorts of new things day by day. And you always manage to make your Dad and I laugh at any given time- you are such a happy, funny girl and we absolutely love it. The other day, when I asked you what you would like for breakfast, you promptly said, “Honey!”

You love to dance, hug and kiss, and to explore new things. You’re fascinated by nature in all facets. Whether you catch a glimpse of a cardinal bird on one of our walks, find a turtle in your backyard, or see a roly-poly inching along our front steps, it gives you the biggest thrill.

You’re talking like crazy these days, saying your colors, repeating things we say to you, pretending to read my magazines and books, and counting a little bit too! You’re very in tune with reading the emotions of others. You can tell when people around your are sad, or upset, and you always show them affection when they need it most. I love this about you! Sometimes, you get emotional too when you think people are hurt or upset. The other day you got so upset and started crying when you were watching Winnie the Pooh and Piglet fell down and bumped his head.

You love to play with your stuffed animals and take care of them- feeding them, pretending to change their diapers, putting them in your shopping cart and taking them on little trips around the house. You are such a caring little girl, and we know you’re going to make such an amazing big sister! We just love the adventures that every new day brings with you, Everly Grace.

Your Mama

Starfish love

Gotta love driveway pool parties in May

The Beans Have Officially Been Spilled

Everly’s going to be a big sister!

The rumors are true!  We’ve been keeping a big secret to ourselves over here for a while lately, and it feels great to finally announce that we have another little one on the way!  It’s been so nice keeping it just to ourselves and close family and friends, but now that I finally have a little bump to show for it, we figured it’s time to spread the news.

To say the least, we are completely overjoyed and can’t wait to give Everly a sister or brother later this Fall.  We are due on Halloween and Everly and Baby #2 will be two years apart- exactly what I’ve always wished for!

Finding out that we are pregnant for a second time is just as surprising and exhilarating as the first time.  The fact that I’m going into my fifteenth week is crazy, so I’m just enjoying every moment as a mama of one and trying to wrap my head around what it’s going to be like with two little rugrats!

Below is my first bump pic with Baby #2 at 14 weeks.  See my baby bump pic with Everly at 15 weeks here.

Cheesy first baby bump pic at 14 weeks
