

Dear Everly,

These days, your imagination has been running wild and we have been just smitten with your little three-year-old ways.  Our pediatrician told us at your 3-year old checkup that this would happen and she was correct – right around  your 3rd birthday your creativity has been blossoming and your Dad and I love watching you become so inspired by things.  A few recent examples:

1.  Every night we head into the bedroom, you spot Roxy by the bed and exclaim: “Look!  There’s the crocodile!”  You have also been very fond of decking Roxy out in your headbands, which she happily obliges.

2.  Sitting on my lap tonight, I hugged you tight and looked into your big eyes and said, “What happened?  You used to be my baby and now here you are, such a big girl,” to which you matter-of-factly replied, “It’s because I like to eat bananas.”  Duh.

3.  You are always finding make-believe animals here and there.  Tonight it was a snake in between the couch and end table.  “Look Mommy!  It’s a pink snake!  But it’s a nice pink snake, don’t worry Mommy.  He’s just a little hungry.”

Even in your when throwing a tantrum, you never fail to make your Dad or I crack a smile in a heated moment when trying to discipline you.  But we love it.  It’s what makes you, you, and seeing the way your little mind processes this world means everything to us.  You are our sunshine girl, always.  I hope you continue to tune into this wonderful creative side of yours and always keep that spark alive.


One thought on “Vivid

  1. Everly, you never fail to make Ganny and Gobble laugh……It’s such a treat and honor to be your Gobble and Ganny….keep being cute!

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